Who is this for?
✓ Plan: SENSORA™ platform with Structural Murmur Detection
✓ Role: Program Admin, Clinician
You can use the Eko Dashboard to manage patient profiles and any recordings assigned to a patient. You can:
Create, edit, view, and archive patient profiles.
View any existing recordings for a patient on their profile.
Best practice
Create new patient profiles on the Dashboard for the program the patient belongs to. If you belong to multiple programs, make sure the patient’s profile is in the correct program.
If a new patient profile is created in the Eko App, then the patient won’t be assigned to a program or viewable in the Dashboard.
If a patient profile is created in the Eko App, then you can create a new patient profile in the Dashboard, then reassign the patient’s recording to the newly-created profile, which will be viewable in the Eko app.
To create a new patient profile, you first search for potential existing patients that may match the name or MRN of the patient you want to add. If there are matches, you can select to use one. If not, you continue with creating a new patient profile.
On the navigation bar, click Patients.
Click Create Patient. The Create New Patient panel appears on the right.
Enter either the first and last name, OR the MRN number to start a search for any duplicate patients.
Click Save. Any potential match results will show.
If there are no matches, the new patient is created and becomes visible in the Patients screen.
If there are matches, select the patient.
Click Use Existing Patient.
You can also choose not to use any of the matches and click Continue Creating New Patient.
Enter the patient information, and click Save Changes.
On the navigation bar, click Patients.
Search for and find the patient profile to edit.
Click the patient’s row. The patient profile opens.
Click Edit. The Edit Patient panel appears on the right.
Update the patient’s information.
Click Save.
On a patient’s profile, click the recording you want to view. The recording opens.
You can play back the recording or manage the recording by adding notes, selecting a position, and so on.
It's not possible to delete a recording that's assigned to a patient profile.
On the recording screen, you can manage recordings, such as:
Reassigning it to a different patient profile.
Adding notes.
Downloading a PDF so you can share it or print it.
Downloading the audio file.
Selecting a position.
Click Reassign. The Reassign Recording panel opens on the right.
On the Reassign Recording panel, find and select the patient profile to assign the recording to.
Click Add Note. The New Recording Note panel appears above the waveform graph.
Enter any information about the recording.
Click Save.
We strongly recommend omitting any personally identifiable patient information or protected health information (PHI). Any notes will be included when sharing this recording with others.
Saved notes will appear below the Notes panel, and can be edited by the user who created the note.
Click Download PDF to download the report to your computer for sharing or printing.
Click the Audio link on the report to open the recording in the Dashboard so it can be listened to.
LBL: |
0001157 Rev.2.0 |
Date of Issue: |
February 24, 2023 |